
Thursday, May 13, 2010

Dating and relationships in 2010.

I'll admit I've been watching my fair share of every girl's bible: Sex and the City, recently but I'm still more than confused on dating and relationships.

In this day and age, how do men (or boys, for those guys that haven't really 'grown up' yet) want us to behave? Are girls still expected to take on the traditional roles in a relationship; do the washing, shopping, cooking etc while the guy pays the bill?

I'd like to think we've moved on from this, but what about on a date. Does he pay? Is he still obligated to make sure his date gets home okay? Or is that pandering to an old ideal of how men should behave, which is now completely outdated and irrelevant?

I know that I consider respect from a guy to include looking after me - being courteous, considerate, and hopefully a little bit generous- but that's not to say financially I expect him to foot the bill for our relationship... I think we've moved on from way-back-when.

What I'm grappling with most of all is whether men want us to be 'forward' and tell them we like them, 'make the first move,' if you like, or to hold back and give the guy the chance to be proactive? And what if he doesn't make that move? Then what?

My good friend Alex Ristway, who is a self-proclaimed dating expert, believes it's a matter of assessing each individual situation.

"If you are more uncertain than sure, it's probably best to hang back until you know where you stand," she says.

I tend to over-analyse everything. From the composition of each and every text-message I send, to my shampoo choice in the supermarket. In taking on advice such as that of Alex, I might never make a move, because I might never be sure of where I stand - and what if a friendship is ruined by the mis-reading of the situation?

Perhaps I ought to continue watching Sex and the City until I'm sure where I stand ... or I could take a chance and see where it takes me... or maybe I could just wait 'til the guy makes the first move.

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