
Monday, December 20, 2010

Week 2 at the Chalet

Some of the guests we skied with!
I have just finished my second week working in the chalet and time is flying by.

Unfortunately I have been pretty sick this past week and have been spending all my time off in bed trying to recuperate. Without too much success in recovering I went to the doctors yesterday and have been dosed up on drugs, so feeling better already which is nice.

Last week I moved over to another chalet - it's a bit fancier - but also more to clean. I work with a gorgeous South African couple and they have such a great taste in music, so despite doing lots of hard work it isn't so bad when we have good music to listen to.

There are quite a few niice (read hot) guests coming through the hotel at the moment which is always fun, but unfortunately seeing as I've been sick I am not going to the Underground (the pub beneath our hotel), so am having to make the most of lying in bed watching films on my computer.

Cannot believe it's only five days until Christmas. Time is traveling so fast! It's a little bit weird to think that i'll be away from the family, but it's nice knowing I have already bought my pressies for everyone. Just a Kris Kringle to go for one of the staff members in the chalet.

Sorry this isn't full of juicy goss, hopefully once I feel better it will be!


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